blatann.gatt.writer module

class blatann.gatt.writer.GattcWriteCompleteEventArgs(handle, status, data)

Bases: EventArgs

class blatann.gatt.writer.GattcWriter(ble_device, peer)

Bases: object

Class which implements the state machine for writing a value to a peripheral’s attribute

property on_write_complete

Event that is emitted when a write completes on an attribute handler

Handler args: (int attribute_handle, gatt.GattStatusCode, bytearray data_written)


an Event which can have handlers registered to and deregistered from

Return type


write(handle, data)

Writes data to the attribute at the handle provided. Can only write to a single attribute at a time. If a write is in progress, raises an InvalidStateException

  • handle – The attribute handle to write

  • data – The data to write


A Waitable that will fire when the write finishes. see on_write_complete for the values returned from the waitable

Return type
