blatann.event_args module

class blatann.event_args.GattOperationCompleteReason(value)

Bases: Enum

The reason why a GATT operation completed

class blatann.event_args.EventArgs

Bases: object

Base Event Arguments class

class blatann.event_args.DisconnectionEventArgs(reason)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments sent when a peer disconnects

class blatann.event_args.MtuSizeUpdatedEventArgs(previous_mtu_size, current_mtu_size)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when the effective MTU size on a connection is updated

class blatann.event_args.DataLengthUpdatedEventArgs(tx_bytes, rx_bytes, tx_time_us, rx_time_us)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when the Data Length of the link layer has been changed

class blatann.event_args.PhyUpdatedEventArgs(status, phy_channel)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when the phy channel is updated

class blatann.event_args.ConnectionParametersUpdatedEventArgs(active_connection_params)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when connection parameters between peers are updated

class blatann.event_args.SecurityProcess(value)

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

class blatann.event_args.PairingCompleteEventArgs(status, security_level, security_process)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments when pairing completes, whether it failed or was successful

class blatann.event_args.SecurityLevelChangedEventArgs(security_level)

Bases: EventArgs

class blatann.event_args.PasskeyEntryEventArgs(key_type, resolve)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments when a passkey needs to be entered by the user


Submits the passkey entered by the user to the peer


passkey (Union[str, int, None]) – The passkey entered by the user. If the key type is passcode, should be a 6-digit string or integer. Use None or an empty string to cancel.

class blatann.event_args.PasskeyDisplayEventArgs(passkey, match_request, match_confirm_callback)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments when a passkey needs to be displayed to the user. If match_request is set, the user must confirm that the passkeys match on both devices then send back the confirmation


If key matching was requested, this function responds with whether or not the keys matched correctly :type keys_match: :param keys_match: True if the keys matched, False if not

class blatann.event_args.PeripheralSecurityRequestEventArgs(bond, mitm, lesc, keypress, is_bonded_device, resolver)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when a peripheral requests security to be enabled on the connection. The application must choose how to handle the request: accept, reject, or force re-pairing (if device is bonded).

class Response(value)

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

accept = 1
reject = 2
force_repair = 3

Accepts the security request. If device is already bonded will initiate encryption, otherwise will start the pairing process


Rejects the security request


Accepts the security request and initiates the pairing process, even if the device is already bonded

class blatann.event_args.PairingRejectedReason(value)

Bases: Enum

Reason why pairing was rejected

non_bonded_central_request = 1
non_bonded_peripheral_request = 2
bonded_peripheral_request = 3
bonded_device_repairing = 4
user_rejected = 5
class blatann.event_args.PairingRejectedEventArgs(reason)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when a pairing request was rejected locally

class blatann.event_args.WriteEventArgs(value)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when a client has written to a characteristic on the local database

class blatann.event_args.DecodedWriteEventArgs(value, raw_value)

Bases: EventArgs, Generic[TDecodedValue]

Event arguments for when a client has written to a characteristic on the local database and the value has been decoded into a data type

class blatann.event_args.SubscriptionStateChangeEventArgs(subscription_state)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when a client’s subscription state has changed

class blatann.event_args.NotificationCompleteEventArgs(notification_id, data, reason)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when a notification has been sent to the client from the notification queue


alias of GattOperationCompleteReason

class blatann.event_args.ReadCompleteEventArgs(read_id, value, status, reason)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when a read has completed of a peripheral’s characteristic

class blatann.event_args.WriteCompleteEventArgs(write_id, value, status, reason)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when a write has completed on a peripheral’s characteristic

class blatann.event_args.SubscriptionWriteCompleteEventArgs(write_id, value, status, reason)

Bases: EventArgs

Event arguments for when changing the subscription state of a characteristic completes

class blatann.event_args.NotificationReceivedEventArgs(value, is_indication)

Bases: EventArgs

Event Arguments for when a notification or indication is received from the peripheral

class blatann.event_args.DatabaseDiscoveryCompleteEventArgs(status)

Bases: EventArgs

Event Arguments for when database discovery completes

class blatann.event_args.DecodedReadCompleteEventArgs(read_id, value, status, reason, decoded_stream=None)

Bases: ReadCompleteEventArgs, Generic[TDecodedValue]

Event Arguments for when a read on a peripheral’s characteristic completes and the data stream returned is decoded. If unable to decode the value, the bytes read are still returned

static from_notification_complete_event_args(noti_complete_event_args, decoded_stream=None)
static from_read_complete_event_args(read_complete_event_args, decoded_stream=None)